Charles Gilbert Bunting
Charles John Bunting’s son, Charles Gilbert, joined the Club in 1900 and remained an active member until his death in 1967. He was elected to the Committee in 1927, was Club Captain in 1937 and became a Vice President in 1948. He was the Honorary Solicitor for the Club during most of the period of his membership and guided it through a number of tricky legal situations. After being appointed the Club’s representative to the Durham County Golf Union he very quickly became that body’s Chairman (today’s President) during which time he redrafted the rules of the Union and became the editor of its yearly handbook. He was a lone voice crying in the wilderness for the inception of a Boys’ Championship, which he finally founded in 1952 and which has done so much to raise the standard of County golf. Gilbert was also a keen member of the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and also a member of the English Golf Union. He also had the unique honour of being the only man invited to referee six successive Ryder Cup contests. His efforts on behalf of Seaton Carew Golf Club, Durham County Golf Union and golf in general were nothing short of tremendous.