Jimmy Kay
James Kay was engaged as a professional by Seaton Carew Golf Club on the 1st of May 1886, following the resignation of Tom Park a member of the famous Scottish golfing family. His duties at the time included assisting in cutting and rolling the greens, filling divots and horses’ hoof marks, playing with members, supervising the groundsman and charwoman and keeping a list of players in Club competitions. For that he and his wife were paid the princely sum of thirty shillings a week. However, it was James Kay’s playing record which set him apart from both his predecessors and successors. According to press reports of the time he played in a total of 22 Open Championships, qualifying in 20 and twice finishing in the top six. Without doubt though his greatest achievements came in what were known as “money matches”, where he played against some of the top golfers of the time. Pride of place probably goes to his defeat in 1895 of the then Open Champion, J. H. Taylor, who had just retained his prestigious title. Some five years later, Kay exacted a similar outcome on another Open Champion, James Braid, although at that time the latter hadn’t recorded any of his five championship victories. In fact Harry Vardon was the only member of the great triumvirate to actually get the better of him. Given such a remarkable playing record it’s not surprising that James Kay was held in great esteem by the Club’s members, however, in 1926 it was decided that a change of professional was necessary and he was awarded a pension and elected an Honorary Club Member. Shortly before his retirement Kay was helping chop up some old sleepers when he got a splinter in his right thumb. Sadly, he developed blood poisoning and on the 17th of April 1927 James Kay died. His funeral was attended by fellow professionals, Seaton Carew members and staff from the Golf Club acted as pall bearers. The body of a local golfing legend now lies at rest in Seaton Carew Parish churchyard and he’s commemorated in the name of the Old Course’s 8th hole – Jimmy Kay.